Versão em português Português


The telecommunications market in Brazil has changed a lot in the last decade, today has huge "players" who cannot meet diverse needs of customers for products and intelligent solutions. Thus the domestic market has flourished hundreds of small operators flexible and agile that they can customize innovative solutions for demand their customers.

The SG Consulting found that most of these companies Telecommunications, especially the small and medium-sized, is not fully aligned with the requirements of the regulator, not with the best practices of operating a telecommunications company.

The GS Company has a division dedicated exclusively to the Regulatory Consulting and Telecommunications under the leadership of Engineer Sergio Villié former director of large companies Telecom Brazilian who specializes in regulatory policy within and outside Brazil. We have a staff of consultants with solid experience in market in various areas of expertise that can support all operation: Engineering, Operations, Finance, HR, etc..

This way we can act as a single demand of your company and throughout the operational chain of its Telecommunications business, with an extremely cost competitive with the large consulting market.

Some Products

Periodic reporting of indicators to Anatel (SICI)

Technical Projects

License Requests

Installation Projects

Projects Implementation

Business Plan

Financial evaluation of projects

Approval of products with Anatel

Assembly operating structure

Management and deployment of telecommunications networks